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3:05 Минут

C4e's Got Game - Текст песни | Shaindy Plotzker | Kараоке | Инструментальная - версия


Инструментальный трек



149 BPM


E major

  • Изменена скорость

  • +6 доп. версии

When purchasing this Instrumental Track (in the original Key), 

you will be able to download the following additional keys without any extra cost,

in the same audio quality, exported one by one directly from the Cubase Project:



C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Minus 1.5 Tones-D Flat Major-149 BPM-Playback

C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Minus 1 Tone-D Major-149 BPM-Playback

C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Minus Halftone-E Flat Major-149 BPM-Playback


C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Plus Halftone-F Major-149 BPM-Playback

C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Plus 1 Tone -F Sharp Major-149 BPM-Playback

C4e's Got Game-Shaindy Plotzker-Plus 1.5 Tones -G Major-149 BPM-Playback


Tantz - Shulem Lemmer - Instrumental Track



Инструментальный трек


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Лучшие продавцы

Инструментальная музыка на выпускной бал или вечер (произведений в категории: 291)