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5:46 Minutes

Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) - 3 Songs Medley - Instrumental Track


Instrumental Track


  • Tempo Change

  • +2 Additional Keys

When purchasing this Instrumental Track (in the original Key), 

you will be able to download the following additional keys without any extra cost:


Jerusalem - Yerushalayim Medley 3 songs - minus halftone.mp3

Jerusalem - Yerushalayim Medley 3 songs - minus 1 Tone


Songs included in the Jerusalem - Yerushalayim  medley:


Sisu et Yerushalayim ----- 00:00 to 01:29


Lach Yerushalayim ----- 01:30 to 03:00


Yerushalayim Shel Zahav ----- 03:01 to 05:45
