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3:24 Minutes

Hakhel (Hakahal) | Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen | Karaoke | Version Instrumentale


Piste instrumentale


Exemple chanson originale



130 BPM


E♭ minor

  • Changement de tempo

  • MP3 + WAV

  • +11 Versions supplémentaires

  • Piste de batterie

When purchasing this playback (in its original key) you can,

with no additional cost, download directly from the website: 


 11 additional keys with the same audio quality:


Files marked with: * are keys recommended for women.

Files marked with: ** are keys recommended for children.



Highest quality MP3 and/or WAV formats


MP3 file (320 Kbps) - 44 Khz - 16 Bit - Stereo - Highest Render Audio

WAV - 44 Khz -16 Bit - Stereo Uncompressed PCM.



Drum Channel Stem (separately)


It is strictly forbidden to use the drum channel stem (available for download in certain products),
as part of the production of a new playback, which may be offered for sale on another site,
or for private sale in general.


Terms of use and purchase on website.



Tempo Change 

You can request a speed change in one key at no additional cost.
It is possible to change up to 10% of the original. For example,
a playback whose speed is 100 BPM,
can be sped up to 110 BPM or slowed down to 90 BPM
without using a time stretching process.


Note: All our playbacks are kept faithful to the original song.
Some playbacks were recorded with additional live instruments.


List of key sets available for download directly from the website:



Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Minus 2.5 Tones-B Flat Minor-130 BPM-Playback

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Minus 2 Tones-B Minor-130 BPM-Playback   **

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Minus 1.5 Tones-C Minor-130 BPM-Playback   **

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Minus 1 Tone-D Flat Minor-130 BPM-Playback

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Minus Halftone-D Minor-130 BPM-Playback



Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus Halftone-E Minor-130 BPM-Playback

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus 1 Tone-F Minor-130 BPM-Playback

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus 1.5 Tones-F Sharp Minor-130 BPM-Playback

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus 2 Tones-G Minor-130 BPM-Playback   *

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus 2.5 Tones-G Sharp Minor-130 BPM-Playback   *

Hakhel-Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen-Plus 3 Tones-A Minor-130 BPM-Playback 


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